The Benefits of a Full Dental Check-up
The Benefits of a Full Dental Check-up
- Gives you a comprehensive understanding of your current oral health
- Allows you to make informed decisions about your treatment
- Save money as check-ups detect early disease that is easier and cheaper to treat than advanced disease.
What does a full Dental Check-up involve?
- An interview to understand your concerns and past treatment history.
- A visual examination of your face, mouth and teeth
- Radiographic examination or taking X-rays of your teeth and bone.
- Photos may be taken as a reference or baseline against future records.
Are Dental X-rays Safe?
Yes. The Singapore Dental Health Foundation states that X-rays are useful diagnostic tools. Indeed, they are essential to provide high-quality dental care.
Dental Radiographs (X-ray images) allow dentists to see between teeth, within the teeth and the bones below the teeth. It allows a better understanding of any previous treatment done, the arrangement and growth of teeth and the size or proportion of teeth and bones. It allows problems to be identified in its early stages before it becomes painful or difficult to treat.
The amount of radiation is extremely small – especially with the digital X-rays used today. The Benefits of taking X-rays (properly known as radiographs) far outweigh any risks from the minimal exposure of radiation.
The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) drew up this chart to show just how low the exposure to radiation from dental X-rays is

For pregnant women X-rays are only taken when needed for treatment.
Note that use of lead apron and will offer protection against radiation exposure.
X-rays can be taken for breastfeeding mothers and women trying to get pregnant.
Note: If an X-ray examination is not done, there is the real risk that disease will not be discovered.
What sort of X-rays are taken?
1. Full mouth X-ray

- Past dental work done such as root canal treated teeth
- Hidden or buried teeth such as wisdom teeth
- Any infection on the roots of the teeth(e.g. see the yellow arrows above)
- Overall development of the teeth
2. Intra-Oral X-rays

These are small images of just a few teeth taken with a sensor or film within your mouth.
It is a simple, quick and safe procedure
It can reveal…
- hidden decay in between teeth (see the yellow circle)
- the condition of old fillings & crowns.
- Infections at or around the roots
3. CBCT or Cone-Beam Computed Tomogram
In special cases where it is essential to know the position of teeth relative to other structures like nerves, or to plan particular surgery like the placement of implants, special radiographs known as CBCT will be needed. This allows the dentist to view your teeth and bones in all three dimensions.
- X-rays (radiographs) only take a few minutes
- Results can be viewed immediately.
- Our X-rays are digital so they can be e-mailed to you at your request
- Make an appointment at a time that is convenient for you – when you don’t have to rush from or to a meeting
- Make your dental appointment a priority. It is only natural to set aside time for doing things that are important to you.
- Tell your family and friends that you have a dental appointment and it is important to you – so that you will get their support and understanding. Get them to help you keep the appointment – and ask you how it went.
- If it is the first time you are visiting us, bring along any documents relevant to your medical history e.g. the names of any drugs you may be allergic to; or old X-rays that you may have regarding previous dental treatment.
- Arrive at the clinic early so that you will have time to settle down and get used to the surroundings. Chat with the receptionist if that helps you to relax.
- At the dental office, be frank about what is bothering you or what fears you have.
How long would a dental check-up take?
Does a Dental Check-up include scaling and polishing (cleaning) ?
No, Scaling and Polishing is a treatment procedure. Dental-check-up involve examination and understanding your condition. If you wish to have both a dental check-up and cleaning, please inform the clinic so that extra time can be set aside for you.